Ke Che
Chercheuse Postdoctorale (LSCE, visiteuse à AEROLAB)
Compétences techniques
Instrumentation : déploiement et maintenance de photmètres (EM27/SUN) pour la mesure des gaz à effet de serre, analyse des données, traitement des spectres optiques
Modélisation numérique: simulation atmosphérique avec le modèle Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF), simulation particulaire en physique Lagrangienne (Lagrangian Transport model STILT, HYSPLIT), simulation de la végétation et des échanges de dioxide de carbone(Vegetation, Photosynthesis, and Respiration Model - VPRM), méthodes d’inversion bayésienne (Carbon-Tracker Lagrange inversion)
Programmation : Unix/Linux, Windows operating systems; Python, MATLAB, R, Fortran, NCL programming language and visaulisation de données, codes en parallèle sur calculateur.
2023: Doctorat, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment
2017: Bachelor (Licence), Information Science & Technology (Beijing), Physique de l’atmosphère
Che, K., et al., CO2 emissions estimate from Mexico City using ground- and space-based remote sensing, in prep.
Che, K, Lauvaux, T., Taquet, N., ... & Grutter, M. (2023). Urban XCO2 gradients from a dense network of solar absorption spectrometers and OCO-3 over Mexico City, under review in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Che, K., Cai, Z., Liu, Y., Wu, L., Yang, D., Chen, Y., ... & Wang, P. (2022). Lagrangian inversion of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from Beijing using differential column measurements. Environmental Research Letters, 17(7), 075001.
Che, K., Liu, Y., Cai, Z., Yang, D., Wang, H., Ji, D., ... & Wang, P. (2022). Characterization of Regional Combustion Efficiency using ΔXCO: ΔXCO2 Observed by a Portable Fourier-Transform Spectrometer at an Urban Site in Beijing. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 1-17.
Cai, Z., Che, K., Liu, Y., Yang, D., Liu, C., & Yue, X. (2021). Decreased anthropogenic CO2 emissions during the COVID- 19 pandemic estimated from FTS and MAX-DOAS measurements at urban Beijing. Remote Sensing, 13(3), 517.
Conférences internationales
European Geophysical Union Avril 2023, présentation orale: CO2 emissions estimate from Mexico City using ground- and space-based remote sensing, Vienne (Autriche)
The 18th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-18) June 2022, présentation orale: Validation of OCO-3 using intensive CO2 measurement campaign with EM27/SUN in Mexico City, Paris (France).
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2020, Décembre 2020, Poster: Column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of CO2 and CO based on EM27/SUN over urban Beijing during COVID-19 outbreak.
The 15th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS-15), Poster: Intercomparison of XCO2, XCH4,XCO measurements using EM27/SUN and IFS125HR in Xianghe.