Chercheur Postdoctoral
Professional experience
2022-2023: Post-doctorant, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (OCA), Nice, 2023 France
2018: Ingénieur Calcul Scientifique, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales Septembre 2018 (LATMOS), Paris, France
2017: Ingénieur en Analyse de Données, Spécialisé dans les Applications Météorologiques, Leosphere, Orsay, France
Technical skills and Expertise
- Prédiction de la turbulence atmosphérique et optique.
- Modélisation atmosphérique Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF).
- Campagne de mesure drone (météorologie)
- Technologie Wind LIDAR
- Pilote de Drone Professionnel.
Doctorat, en Sciences de la Plan`ete et de l’Univers, Ecole Doctorale en Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées, ED.SFA (ED 364), Université Cote d’Azur, Nice, France
Master 2, en Sciences de la Terre, Planetes et Environnement (STePE) – Physique, Environnement et Procédés (PEPS), Université Paris-Sud, France
Master 2, en Sciences de la Terre, Plan`etes et Environnement (STePE) – Climat, Environnement, Applications et Recherche (CLEAR) - Water, Air, Pollution and Energy (WAPE), Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Ingenieur en Météorologie, Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique d’Antananarivo, Madagascar
Programming skills
GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Debian), Windows Latex, Microsoft Office
Medlej M., Giordano C., Ziad A., Prunet S., Rafalimanana A., Aristidi E., Optimizing atmospheric turbulence predictions for optical links and astronomical observations. In AO4ELT7. Avignon, France. HAL: hal-04402879
Rafalimanana A., Giordano C., Ziad A., Aristidi E. (2022). Optimal prediction of atmo- spheric turbulence by means of WRF model. PASP, 134(1035), 055002.DOI: 10.1088/1538- 3873/ac6536
Giordano C., Rafalimanana A., Ziad A., Aristidi E., Chab ́e J., Fante ̈ı-Caujolle Y., Renaud C. (2021). Contribution of statistical site learning to improve optical turbulence forecasting. MNRAS, 504(2), 1927-1938.DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3709
Rafalimanana A., Giordano C., Ziad A., Aristidi E., Prediction of atmospheric turbulence by means of WRF model for optical communications. In ICSO 2020. Sous la dir. de Bruno Cugny, Zoran Sodnik et Nikos Karafolas. T. 11852. SPIE, p. 1856-1866.DOI: 10.1117/12.2599659
Giordano C., Ziad A., Aristidi E., Chab ́e J., Fante ̈ı-Caujolle Y., Renaud C. and Rafalimanana A., CATS: continuous turbulence characterization station for both optical link and astronom- ical support. In ICSO-2020. Sous la dir. de Bruno Cugny, Zoran Sodnik et Nikos Karafolas. T. 11852. SPIE, p. 1002-1012.DOI: 10.1117/12.2599373
Rafalimanana A., Giordano C., Ziad A., and Aristidi E., Towards an optimal prediction of atmospheric turbulence by means of WRF model. In Adaptive Optics Systems VII. T. 11448. SPIE, p. 1490-1500.DOI: 10.1117/12.2562336
GiordanoC.,RafalimananaA.,ZiadA.,AristidiE.,Chab ́eJ.,Fante ̈ı-CaujolleY.,andRenaud C., Statistical learning as a new approach for optical turbulence forecasting. In Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Sous la dir. de Laura Schreiber, Dirk Schmidt et Elise Vernet. T. 11448. SPIE, p. 871- 880.DOI: 10.1117/12.2562316
Aristidi E., Fante ̈ı-Caujolle Y., Ziad A., Chab ́e J., Giordano C., Renaud C. and Rafalimanana A., Turbulence monitoring at Calern observatory with the Generalised Differential Image Motion Monitor. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation. Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. Online Only, United States: SPIE, p. 310.DOI: 10.1117/12.2560650
Giordano C., Rafalimanana A., Ziad A., Aristidi E., Chab ́e J., Fante ̈ı-Caujolle Y., and Renaud C., Optical turbulence forecasting and comparisons with daytime and nighttime measurements. In AO4ELT6. Qu ́ebec, Canada. HAL: hal-02475473
Rafalimanana A., Giordano C., Ziad A., and Aristidi E., Optical turbulence prediction using WRF Model. In SF2A-2019: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics.